At Mountainside we believe that faith is passed around, and not down. This means that:

  • Kids are full participants in the body of Christ.

  • The discipleship of children is the shared work of the whole body.

  • We trust that God’s spirit is present with us, and that our kids are already seeking communion with God as we come alongside them in their journey.

On Sunday mornings, we nurture developmentally-appropriate spaces of worship and wonder utilizing Young Children & Worship (preschool and kindergarten) and Godly Play (1st through 5th grade). These play-based programs support the spiritual formation of children with storytelling, wondering and response. 

  • The sacred stories of the biblical text reveal who God is and how God moves among God’s people. 

  • The wondering time invites us to consider how we are a part of God’s story, and gives space to bring curiosities and hopes about God’s presence with us and with others. 

  • The response time invites us to reflect on how God’s spirit is moving in and among us. We respond with play, art, legos, cardboard building, and other creative outlets. We also have a lot of fun together! 

One Sunday night a month we gather with our 4th and 5th graders for a time of connection and fun. We eat snacks, play games, build community, and invite one another to remember God’s presence with us. For the latest 2/4th/5th dates, check out the Mountainside calendar.

If you have any questions about Kids & Families Ministry or about upcoming events, please reach out to Tiffany Westra (